Employees annual FMLA

I have an employee whose elderly mother has been terminally ill at this time of year every year since
2002. Mother is out of state. Employee always sends in the FMLA paperwork fully completed by a doctor.
In any case, the mother has suddenly become terminally ill again and again I'm a little suspicious. Any advice would be appreciated.


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • as long as the forms are completed appropriately by the mother's doctor...there's really not much that you can do.

    and try to remember, for every one that abuses the system, there are 10 others that are grateful for the time to take care of personal matters and not need to worry about losing a job at the same time.

  • The employee will be in a tough situation when the mom really is terminally ill later in life and they have used up their 12 weeks of leave.

    It reminds me of when we lived in Europe and the soldier next door had the military pay for his plane ticket so he could go to his aunt's funeral becuase he aunt raised him in the absence of his mother. A few months later his mom passed and Army Emergency Relief refused to pay for the flight becuase he signed the waiver regarding his aunt being his primary caretaker.

    We all make our choices, just some of us choose to be honest in those choices.
  • I've never heard of someone getting terminally ill again. I think it is possible for someone to be terminally ill for more than one year. Maybe they take turns taking care of her and this is their alloted time. I don't know. I try to make sure I look at the big picture before I turn the radar on.

    It sounds to me they are entitled to the leave.

    I've got a question, are you entitled to request a second opinion in this situation? I did a quick search and could not find a clear answer.
  • I have an aunt who died (at age 49) a week ago, after a lengthy battle with emphysema. More than once over the past few years the doctors 'called in the family,' thinking that she would not make it. Each time she would pull through, and was often able to function quite well. But catching a cold or some other illness would knock her down, and she would need someone to help care for her during those times.

    It might seem fishy, especially with it occurring the same time each year, but it is possible that this is legitimate.
  • It may sound fishy but I agree with Denise.
  • You could verify that it is a legitimate doctor completing the paperwork.
  • No, to the question of a second opinion. The employer canNOT require ANYthing of the family member.

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