FMLA and Disability Pay

We have had a series of employees on FMLA and Disability. I am wondering how do other employers calculate partial disability payments for full-time employees?

The senario I'm dealing with now is as follows:

A FT employee is on partial disability and works (4) hours per day and then is supplemented with (4) hours of disability pay under our STD plan. However, all in one week she scheduled (1) day of vacation, called in a personal paid day (a sick leave benefit) and then called in requesting an entire day as intermittent FMLA which is unpaid.

The question is; how do we handle the intermittent FMLA day she called in? She did not work at all this day but is she still due to (4) hours of partial disability pay?

Any help is appreciated! Thank you!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Our plan has a set amount per week. If an employee works, or is paid for, any portion of that week the payment they receive is deducted based on the portion of the week they worked, or were paid.

    In your example above, she worked two partial days plus was paid for two full days. In our plan, the FMLA day would only count toward the four hours she would have been working had she been able to work and the two full days she received pay she would not be eligible for any payment. In the end she would receive pay for 12 hours of partial disability. Does this help?
  • Thank you, your information definately help!
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