Hepatitis C

We have an employee who has an advance case of hepatitis C, he is working on a reduced schedule. The employees have asked that he have a bathroom designated just for him. It would not put a hardship on the compnay for this accomadition. All Employees have had training in blood borne pathogens but are still uneasy about this stitutation. What are your feelings and would this be against any rules. Also, because he is out so much of the time, how does FMLA apply here.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • 1) Ask a physician or health department to address the issue of the restroom safety issue, if any.

    2) FMLA applies to this ee just like any other. Maximum of 12 weeks, then follow your policy on termination or retention through some other safety net that you may have in place.
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