Denied W/C benefits now...

I have an 4 month ee who claimed the job is too stressfull. We followed W/C procedures and it was determined to be health issue not related to work. Now ee is filing SDI for unknown time, do we need to hold his position and if not would you term and offer COBRA benefits.
How would you proceed?
How would you proceed?
The ee provided Dr. note stating he will be off work from 1/26/05 to 2/25/05. We decided to put him on a leave of absence. In the letter we stated that he was to return by 2/28/05 with full release from doctor and that this in no way guarantees his position with the company. It was very specific.
Now I received another Dr. note stating he needs another month to March 25. He is requesting to be put on FMLA but he does not qualify. I do not want to extend the leave of absence and we are in need of a replacement currently we are subing out this position in order to keep up with demands. Would us offering the initial leave and continuing his benefits with exception of accruing vacation time be enough accommodation and would this condition "stress" be considered under ADA.
Any thoughts on this will be very helpful.
I agree I would not mention anything about ADA but I am second guessing myself so I need back up from my peers. I am going to have to confer with the higher ups who may want to accommodate further, which would be ok but I feel ee is extending due to his medical benefits and he has stated to his supervisor and me he did not want to be put back in the position he held and wanted to be placed in another dept. We have not had any openings in other areas and need someone in his position desparately.
We have talked to an attorney who is stating that we can terminate now but there would be more risk for a wrongful termination claim. He is recommending extending the leave and offering the ee COBRA benefits.
My question is that this is the first time we have utilized a LOA for this long a period are we then obligated to do the same for all other ees? Also, since we have already offered the LOA in lieu of terming doesn't that go with an accommodation to try and retain this ee and now with the new information we can no longer continue for business reasons to not have someone in his position.
You're right do you think I can file a W/C claim for Stress due to indecisiveness.
I think no matter which way we go extend with COBRA or term now we would be ok. You never know what someone will do but I believe we have done all we can without setting to high a precedent and we REALLY need someone in the position.
Thanks for the responses, please keep them coming in case there is something I am missing.
Attorney and higher up have agreed to extend the LOA thru March 25th again not guaranteeing the positon with the company and Terming the company portion of benefits effective 2/28/05 and offering COBRA to the ee. (This seems like a term w/ strings.)
The attorney feels that by extending the LOA less likely to have a FEHA claim due to reasonable accomodation. My question is how long of an LOA is reasonable accomodation?
What would be the qualifying event for COBRA?
Reduction of hours or Termination.
No other reason comes close.