HELP!!! Quick, please :-)
I have an audit today with our old wc company-They dropped us for a "poor loss report"-It was one employee-He has 3 previous wc claims at other jobs....What I am not getting, is why are they coming in to audit when they no longer cover us?And more importantly, can anyone tell me what exactly I am supposed to give this lady? Our wc insurance was thru our payroll company. Can they not get whatever info they need from them??? Do I even have to see this woman????I am lost-Any help would be greatly appreciated....
My $0.02 worth,
DJ The Balloonman
The part of this that is a big deal, at least in Nevada, has to do with the premium increase you will likely get because your carrier fired you. In our case, the premiums went way, way up. We paid the higher amount for 18 months while looking for a carrier to take us out of the high risk pool. We finally got out and are back to the normal premiums. Get all over your agent that deals with WC insurance and make them earn their money. You do not want to stay in the high risk pool.
We have the info ready for them so that they spend about 1 hour checking to make sure our numbers are correct and leave. I have never had someone ask to see anything about uor workers' comp files, only the payroll info.
By the way, make sure you understand exactly what wages should be included and show the auditor on the payroll register how to delete those that should not be. (Such as severance isn't included.)
This is no big thing. They are there to work with you. good luck.
E Wart