Bi-Polar Customer Service Representative

I have an employee who works in our customer service center who has been placed on a performance improvment plan. The plan outlines of what behaviors we expect over the next 30 days i.e. give the customer the correct information, say thank you, and basically mention key points of our service. A year ago we addressed this same issue with this employee and she became very mentally unstable and was admitted to a physchiatric hospital for observation. Last week we addressed the poor performance and today the employee brought a doctors note stating she has been diagnosed as bi-polar. I am concerned about the saftey of other employees. I am also concerned that she is going to link her poor performace to her bi-polar disorder. Has anyone ever dealt with a bi-polar employee? What should I do?

Thank you in advance for your help!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • A bi-polar diagnosis in and of itself is no reason to be concerned for the safety of your other employees. Bi-polar disorder (which used to be called manic depressive) can often be controlled by medication. If you have an EAP I would suggest you consult with them or your local mental health center for help. I think you are right to try and focus on specific performance, behavior issues.
  • Craig B,
    To read several earlier discussions about bipolar disorders, use the search function near the bottom of the blue bar running down the left side of this page. Type in "bipolar." You'll have a number of interesting links to choose from. Hope this helps. tk

    Tony Kessler, director of editorial
    M. Lee Smith Publishers LLC
    (615) 661-0249 ext. 8068
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