Have you had such training?

I have received a WC training offer by fax from the Council on Education. It's a one day deal and among modules, they have: Avoiding the Pittfalls of Mounting Claims for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain Syndrome, Carpal Tunnel and other CTD's.

Sounds like good/timely topics for training. I wonder if anybody attended such training and what the quality of presentation/best practices was? Thanks.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It's most likely The Counsel On Education In Management. I've attended several of their seminars in our capital city. What they do is contract with local attorneys to be the presenters. They have typically one lead person representing their organization but, my experience has been that they primarily set it up, hire the presenters, arrange for the materials, rent the hotel, pay the tab and invite and register attendees. I have been as pleased with this arrangement as with any others presented by local attorneys. I also like the mix of attorneys representing various firms, not just from one.
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