Volunteer ADA Rights

We consider our volunteers part of our staff along with our employees. I understand ADA Title I applies to employers with 15+ employees and that ADA Title III can apply to Private entities that make ADA issues part of their business practices and service programs. Can you comment on ADA issues as they apply to volunteers providing a substantive part of our NFP services.
How has/does aging apply to disability issues?
How has/does aging apply to disability issues?
Even if volunteers aren't covered under Title I, it seems to me, as you stated, that they would be covered under Title III, since they are members of the public and you are providing a service to them while they are volunteering. And as I recall my involvement with a Title III situation rather than Title I, the right to reasonable accommodation under Title III is a lot easier to establish.
I don't think that ADA would intend for employees to be covered but volunteers not when the company is utilizing both. Remember, there is no requirement for the amount of time that an employee has worked for the employer nor for the number of hours he works for the employer per day or per week to fall under the provisions of ADA. If volunteers were to be excluded both under Title I and Title III, you could have a situation where the volunteer had been "working" for the employer much longer and for more hours than a new part time employee yet not entitled to ANY accommodation to allow him/her to remain a volunteer or to participate in the services the company offered. As I said, I don't believe that would be the intent of ADA.