Pregnancy Discrimination Continued

Thanks for the reply Hatchetman - you cleared a lot up and have provided guidance into what questions need to be answered.
You mentioned getting a second opinion if the doctor is just recommending bed rest - the problem is, we don't have any written documentation at all, just what the employeee is telling us - that is my question, can we REQUIRE her to bring a doctors note stating either it is okay for her to work and with what restrictions (if any) or stating she is unable to work.

The reason she does not want to miss work right now is because she cannot afford to be off of work for very long- she is FMLA eligible but plans to take only 3 weeks off after the baby is born because she has vacation pay available for those 3 weeks.

The reason she is telling us what her doctor has said is simply because this office is small - the employees are friends and she is concerened for her health as well as the babies BUT she does not want to miss work yet.

From an employers point of view and having this knowledge - can we require a doctors note in order for her to continue working until the baby is born? She has a potentially serious condition where the effects could occur at work - example: if the doctor wants her laying down because by not doing so, her blood pressure could sky rocket and she could pass out....what if this happens at work and she injures herself here - see what I mean - we would like to have a doctor's note stating what her limitations are so that we could accomodate them and if the note says she is unable to work - can we refuse to let her return to work until she has a doctors release. Whew! This is tough! Thanks for any advice.

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