W/C Metrics??
60 Posts
I'm looking for some suggestion on W?C metrics. What would be good to measure that it's meaningful and can assist us in lowering W/C expenses. New to this arena.
Margaret Morford
Incident rate (total # recordable accidents x 200,000 ÷ total hours worked)
Frequency rate (total lost workday [u]cases[/u] x 200,000 ÷ total hours worked)
Severity rate (total lost work [u]days[/u] x 200,000 ÷ total hours worked)
(The 200,000 is 100 employees working 2,000 hours per year.)
I have been using these calculations for a number of years. We have gone from 18.3 Incident rate (11 injuries) 5 years ago to 1.6 Incident rate (1 injury) in 2002. Frequency and Severity are only affected when you have a lost time injury. In fact, we had a lost time injury that lasted almost a year and sent our severity rate through the roof!