We have a policy that an employee absent for work-related illness/injury may use paid Income Assurance Program (sick leave) time for 3 days of the lost time. The question is, we have also a policy that the employee can only make use of IAP when they have already worked 520 hours or met the training/probationary period.

What if an employee was injured and sent home by the supervisor when in fact the employee has not worked 520 hours yet, meaning not eligible to use IAP. How shall we handle this? The supervisor demand that the employe should be able to be paid on this using 3 days sick leave/IAP.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • What does your state's W/C say? Do you have W/C insurance? Will the insurance pay? Why would the company want to cause this employee further harm by withholding pay? I agree with the supervisor, this employee was performing work for the company when the injury occurred and should be compensated.
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