FMLA/Work Comp

Trust me, I am researching as fast as my little eyes can read and little fingers can type and click. However, if anybody has real life experience they care to impart, I'm listening. As noted previously, the past companies I've worked for were too small to be covered and we just zoomed past 50 EEs recently.
An employee has "undiagnosed" fibromyalgia for which his doc has given him prescriptions in the past. He also is moving toward work comp carpal tunnel surgery. (I am working my way through the HRHero FMLA/Work Comp special reports, trust me!) I received a note that is NOT for the CT saying he can work "as tolerated".
Do I get certifications from both docs for FMLA?
Also, do I just ask him to identify which absences are FMLA and which are not? (It’s flu season, you know, and he doesn’t have an overly stellar attendance record anyway) I haven't hit that section in my reading yet.
Thank goodness we have started our EAP - I may need it after this week! x:'(
An employee has "undiagnosed" fibromyalgia for which his doc has given him prescriptions in the past. He also is moving toward work comp carpal tunnel surgery. (I am working my way through the HRHero FMLA/Work Comp special reports, trust me!) I received a note that is NOT for the CT saying he can work "as tolerated".
Do I get certifications from both docs for FMLA?
Also, do I just ask him to identify which absences are FMLA and which are not? (It’s flu season, you know, and he doesn’t have an overly stellar attendance record anyway) I haven't hit that section in my reading yet.
Thank goodness we have started our EAP - I may need it after this week! x:'(
I didn't see anything that presumes FMLA from what you stated. Rx's for "undiagnosed" fibromyalgia doesn't constitute anything. Unless there is another illness that has triggered FMLA, I'm not seeing any FMLA issue or need to request clarification from the employee. Sounds to me as though this is likely an attendance issue with an employee who can work "as tolerated"..... I'd be inclined to try for more info on what that means and can the person perform the essential functions of the job. If yes, then I'm missing the real question you have.