Does anyone request 2nd or 3rd opinions?

My company is thinking of requesting second opinions on original certifications and I'm interested in some feedback from anyone who has been requesting them and how it has worked for you. Basically, is it worth it (administratively and financially)?

We do re-certify on a regular basis, but most of our request for leaves are intermittent and the duration of conditions are unknown or undetermined, which leaves the door open for abuse.

All feedback is greatly appreciated!


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • As you will note in the regs, second opinions are only to be requested when there is reason to doubt the original opinion. I have never heard of anyone who requests second opinions as a matter of course, dependent on the cost of one. You will be surely guilty of FMLA harassment and retribution if you employ such a mechanism as a matter of procedure. You will not find that medical doctors will contradict each other unless something rather blatantly wrong is stated in the original opinion. Be careful with this approach.
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