Reason for FMLA changed.. what notice required?!

We have an employee who requested FMLA for the birth of his child, which was granted. His newborn daughter was born with a heart condition that required immediate heart surgery. He is now planning on being off for atleast 30 days longer than expected due to this situation. Do I need to send him another notice of some sort? Or does it not matter if the reason for FMLA changes midstream? Thanks!!


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • In my opinion, you should document the new reasoning with the required paperwork. The new condition has different parameters and conditions, including the need for an additional 30 days.
  • Agree with Marc. Provide him with a new certification and require that it be completed pertaining to the serious health condition of the child. Make sure that your notice states that all FMLA will run concurrent so the time he took off for the birth is added to the time off for the serious health condition.
  • I pretty much agree, but, I think in this case, and others like it, I would tell him, "Here are some additional papers we'll need completed when you have time. We'll continue with FMLA and that's the last thing you need to worry about right now. Just get these back to me in the next week or so." Then I'd mail him a complete, sensible, all-encompassing letter for him to read at the kitchen table when he has some time.

    1) He needs some slack right now and an arm around his shoulder.

    2) He's not going to remember all of what you tell him right now anyway. He will, however, remember the warm feeling he had about you if you treat it that way. And it'll pay off.

    3) Nothing about consistency or special treatment or skirting the policy or not following the law. Just creative management of one facet of one of the many things on your plate in the course of a day.
  • I agree with Don....It's not like the birth was a secret...he filled out the needed paperwork for that....and I doubt that he knew about the heart condition in advance. It doesn't sound like an end-run to me.

    I'm sure he'll get you the revised paperwork as soon as he possibly can.

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