Life After FMLA
6 Posts
I'm curious to know about your policies regarding an ee who exhausts the 12 weeks, and is still not able to return to work. Termination of employment, accomodation, indefinite leave of absence? How do you manage such a case?
We have specific qualifications for the additional time...and do require a doctor's certification.
I'm lookin for more life out there people?
We've had some situations, but sends a good message to the employees and gives them piece of mind so that they can focus on getting healthy enough to return to work.
Our short term disability runs concurrent with FML for only 12 weeks. So the additional 30 days is unpaid leave. We only grant it if the CHP states they can return within those 30 days. If it's an open-ended date, we move after the 12 weeks.
The majority of our FMLA's have returned in 12 weeks. Only a few were terminated because their doctor said on their certification form that they were unable to perform any part of their jobs and stated that return to work was indefinite or never.
Our policy and practice is that we would allow personal LOA for no more than 30 days under any circumstances.