EE keeps questioning others ...

I have an ee on temporary disability / FMLA he was originally on intermittent then doctor instructed him to go temp disability. This ee has been off work for approx. 5wks. He is in contact with his coworkers or myself on weekly basis which is on his part and not instructed by us. Anyway each time he calls anyone here he inquires if his job is still available to him. Let me just say this he has received a letter approving his FMLA and also stated that job is secure for the 12 weeks/ 480hrs it has also been relayed to him verbally by me on some of the calls. It even went so far as to let him know how much time he had used to the date of the letter.
Our ee's are unsure what to tell him and sometimes I am unaware of his calls otherwise I would instruct them to have him speak with me on that issue. He seems to be fishing for something...I am just not sure. As far as I know we have done everything we are suppose to do, did I miss something here?
How would you handle this or what would you do??
Our ee's are unsure what to tell him and sometimes I am unaware of his calls otherwise I would instruct them to have him speak with me on that issue. He seems to be fishing for something...I am just not sure. As far as I know we have done everything we are suppose to do, did I miss something here?
How would you handle this or what would you do??
If he calls again, I would directly ask him what is going on with and let him try to come up with whatever it is that is bothering him.
Maybe he just does not believe how good the FMLA is.
The thing is I did go over all the FMLA things with him. I think he is wanting someone to tell him he no longer has a job or something to that effect. We hired a temporary person to do his job while he is on leave and I personally informed him of this stating that when he returns after the 12 weeks FMLA this person will either be repositioned or termed.
He has asked me what happens after the 12 weeks, I told him that his position as far as FMLA is no longer guaranteed but we need to cross that bridge when we come to it.
What else can I do?
I just needed some reassurance.