? FMLA or Not? -Input needed

I have one of my drama queen's missing today, because he son was kicked off the bus for the rest of the year (developmental problems, lots of issues) meeting with conselors/ juvinelle auorites, regarding possibly turning the son back into state care.
Would this even qualify for FMLA? This guy misses constantly, and as I am sitting her typing this realize he has used up his FMLA allotment!!!
Okay, has no FMLA available, if I count this as attendance, he will get suspended. Personally I could care less at this point........he is the guy I was going to let go for going over his FMLA allotment, but was within a few weeks of returning...........
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
Would this even qualify for FMLA? This guy misses constantly, and as I am sitting her typing this realize he has used up his FMLA allotment!!!
Okay, has no FMLA available, if I count this as attendance, he will get suspended. Personally I could care less at this point........he is the guy I was going to let go for going over his FMLA allotment, but was within a few weeks of returning...........
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
Parent’s Leave for Children in School
Employers with 25 or more employees at the same location must allow employees up to 40 hours time off, per academic year per child, to visit their children’s school for any reason. No more than 8 hours may be taken in one month and the employee must give reasonable notice before taking the time off.
School-discipline leave is granted only if the school administrator has requested the employee’s attendance. It is not available to employees who voluntarily consult with school administrators concerning their child’s performance. Leave is determined by the date and the time the school administrator asks the employee to appear at school. Employers may ask the employee or the school administrator to reschedule the conference if the employee’s attendance at work is essential. The length of leave is implicitly limited to the time, which is reasonably necessary to attend the meeting. There is no limit on the frequency of school-discipline leaves.
Employers are not obligated to provide paid time off for school visits or school-discipline leaves. Employers may allow employees to use vacation or personal leave time for compensation for the employee’s time away.
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
That was actually what I was wresting with......he called in yesterday, saying he would not be in went on as to why............. Actually the only two things I said in the 8 minutes plus was uhuh.....mmmhhhh and "you do what you need to do".
He is one of the main reasons I have a counseling practice ;-)
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
Just suspended him for two days, he called in today also, late too. He is one point away from another suspension 3 from termination.
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman