California Paid FMLA

Does CA follow the 50 employee rule for their paid leave time??? AND
Is anyone having problems deducting the money from the employee and sending to CA???


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Any ee that is covered by CA State Disabilty Insurance (SDI) is covered by the Paid Family Leave. So the 50 ee rule would not apply.

    Paid Family Leave (PFL) is not the same as FMLA leave. An employer not subject to FMLA must still provide the PFL. But the leave in that case does not provide the benefits of FMLA.

    Make sure you are providing all newly hired ee's in CA a copy of the brochure for PFL. You can request them at [url][/url]

    I haven't heard of any problems with deducting money from employees.

    Good luck!
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