FMLA and merit increase

My company is planning to implement new merit program this year based on anniversary date. My question is, if you out on FMLA what do you do about effective date of your increase? Do you proceed as it is or wait until this person comes back and make it return from FMLA date effective date for merit increase?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Just an opinion.
A raise that might kick in while someone is on unpaid leave would indeed have consequence. On FMLA, most people do get a paid holiday. A raise would factor into that amount. Also, granting the raise on a certain date, as an anniversary date for example, would keep the continuity in place for subsequent raises. And if they're being paid through vacation, the raise would impact that too.
Do you think it makes a difference if your companies policy says you must have worked the day before the holiday?
I appreciate your perspective on this issue.
The above however does not address holiday pay. That is why I was curious if Don was treating it differently.
When you are out on FML, you receive any cost-of-living increases because they are not based on performance of any other ocndition, any unconditional pay increases given out while you were on leave will also be given to you when you return.
Other types of raises, such as those given in conjunction with an annual review, are handled differently by different employers, based on several policy factors. That means it is at the discretion of the ER and any policies they may have addressing these kinds of raises. They must be consistent for all EEs, but FML does not dictate how to handle them.