I just stuck my foot in my mouth

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-06-03 AT 07:58PM (CST)[/font][p]I have a ee who came to me to tell me they have just been diganossed as a self mutilator, this same person misses often with fmla for her DR appointments and I without thinking told the person that she did not need to go to her DR so often but to church. After words i was thinking does this medical condition go from fmla to the ada and how much trouble am i in for making this comment.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Umm, I think you should apologize and then stay clear of this employee. An apology implies guilt but it also acknowledges that you recognized the mistake you made and that it will not happen again. Then you need to pray really hard that that will be the end of it. Next time refrain from discussing your thoughts about someone's medical treatment or bringing religion into any conversation.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-07-03 AT 03:58PM (CST)[/font][p]I agree with PA..If going to church cured mental illness I am sure there would be a lot less of it..It is good that you recognized the inappropriateness of your comment, but you might want to give some thought as to your feelings behind it. IE would you have made or wanted to make the same comment if the person had brought you a slip saying they had been dx with cancer? Regardless HR is no place to be judgemental, IMHO.
  • What a strange question. As an HR person, why would you have told the employee, who has come forward with a diagnosis for self-mutilating, to skip the doctor and go visit the church and then wonder about fmla and ada issues? What kind of test question is this? Do you get a bonus for answering correctly?

    I'm in a harsh mood - so, I'm just going to lay it out there - if you are in the HR profession, you need to study the FMLA, the ADA, your company policies and vision statement. If you are in the HR profession, you won't 'get in trouble' for one comment, instead you'll lose credibility and respect as an HR professional if you continue to make these types of comments (and potentially, if you persist, you will get the company in trouble). If you are in the HR profession, then study hard the Acts/policies listed above, learn the lesson and do right in the future.
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