FMLA and Pregnancy
174 Posts
We are wanting to allow employees who are on FMLA only six weeks in sick leave under this policy instead of taking 12 weeks of sick time. If they wanted the additional six weeks, it would have to be taken as some other accrued time like vacation. However, if an ee had a serious health condition, they could take 12 weeks of sick time under FMLA, just not for pregnancy. Would that be discriminatory? My male boss is asking me to do this because he said after six weeks, the women is not considered sick any longer. If she had complications from the post-birth, then she could take the full 12 weeks if she needed it.
How do others handle this?
How do others handle this?
My male boss is asking me to do this because he said after six weeks, the
>women is not considered sick any longer.
I can already feel the heat coming through my monitor from the responses from our female posters about your Boss's statememt. Being the father of 3 sons I would be censored and probably banned from the forum if I were to post my wife's comments for your Boss.
An EE is entitled to 12 weeks FMLA for the birth and bonding of a new-born or for the adoption of the same. You may choose to have them use paid time or unpaid time but they must be notified in writing of what your policy is. Your policy must be the same for all FMLA and administered consistently. Also you may want to check to see if you have a State mandated Maternity Leave. Some states have a more liberal leave than FMLA.
Good Luck!
Isn't it amazing that there are still these paleozoic era attitudes out there in this day and age!?!?!?!