FMLA Leave -Father in Nursing Home

I know this subject has come up before, but is a FMLA request for a family member who is in a nursing home legitimate in all instances? I would be interested to find out what experiences anyone has had on this type of request.
The psychological support as allowed under FMLA is an area that concerns me. Certainly, anyone wishing to, could use this as a means to get out of work, using intermittent FMLA tiime as an excuse to take time off. We have a classic example of such a case. Upon denial of FMLA time for a his mother, an employee attempted to seek a FMLA case for himself. We challenged both and it was determined in both cases that there was no qualifying reason to grant this as FMLA-it cost us to pursue, due to the 2nd an 3rd opinion costs, but it was worth it. Now comes less that a month later a request for FMLA because the father in in a nursing home. This from a person who has sought to wok part-time for years- there are no part-time jobs available. For the past sveral years he has taken FMLA leaves before we decided to challenge. By the way, he is in a union. Now I just wonder if anyone could suggest a way to address from the employer's standpoint.