FMLA in Mexico

We have a Hispanic employee who has been ill (abdonminal pains) since the first part of the year. He has went to several American Dr.s with the help of the location manager with no luck in being diagnosed. He went down to Mexico to see a doctor down there. Since he has been down there (1 month) he has exhausted his sick leave. He has been diagnosed and has started treatment. The location manager says he should return from Mexico in 1-2 weeks. The Mexican Dr. has faxed us a a certification of treatment. Since the ee is being treated in Mexico does he fall under FMLA? What other things do I need to consider? I believe this is only the second time an ee my company has had to use FMLA.

ANY advice would be appreciated!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-03-02 AT 06:16PM (CST)[/font][p] As long as he qualifies for FMLA and the doctor certifies that the leave is for a serious illness and that the doctor meets the requirements as to being a health care provider, it does not matter where he gets treatment. There is nothing in the FML Act that says the treating physician has to be in the US or that the employee is required to only recieve treatment in the US.
  • Strange indeed that American doctors 'no can diagnose' abdominal pain. Although it may qualify as FMLA, I smell a fish.
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