Paying Back Premiums at end of FMLA

Does anyone have feedback or interpretation regarding trying to define "RETURN" to work at the end of a FMLA leave in order to avoid paying back premiums. The law doesn't define return to work so if an employee returns to work for 1 hour or 1 day does the employer's option to request re-payment of back premiums for health insurance end? Or can an employer set a specific timeframe (like 30 days back in job) in which it would be expected that the employee return to work in order to avoid having to pay back premiums.
I currently have an employee asking this question. Her FMLA (12 weeks) is exhausted in a couple of weeks and she has indicated to her supervisor that she isn't yet sure she wants to return to work (she had her second child). But has also now asked how long she needs to "return" to work in order to avoid be requested to pay the employer's share of back premiums.
Any feedback or assistance would be great!
I currently have an employee asking this question. Her FMLA (12 weeks) is exhausted in a couple of weeks and she has indicated to her supervisor that she isn't yet sure she wants to return to work (she had her second child). But has also now asked how long she needs to "return" to work in order to avoid be requested to pay the employer's share of back premiums.
Any feedback or assistance would be great!
considered to have ``returned'' to work. An employee who transfers
directly from taking FMLA leave to retirement, or who retires during the
first 30 days after the employee returns to work, is deemed to have
returned to work." I hope this helps.