Employees wasting time

We have a big problem with employees who purposely like to waste time prior to starting work, during work, or right before leaving.

For example: we have shift that starts @ 6:30 a.m. Some employee will go the restroom right when the bell rings and not get to their work site until 15-20 minutes later.

Others will go to the restroom throughout the day and take their sweet time walking there and in there. Again, about 20 minutes.

They get off at 3:00 p.m. and like a clock, this particular deparment: the ladies will start going to the restroom at 2:45 p.m. (15 minutes prior to getting off).

I am not a slave driver, but I can't understand why they need to take so long and that they have to go everyday at the same time only a few minutes before getting off at 3:30 p.m.

We are a production facility and need the employees at their work sites. I understand necesities, but it seems that some employees take advantage of this.

Have any of you experienced this and how have you handled it?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Some would say that giving in to bodily function urges is not wasting time. You might position yourself inside the ladies restroom (if indeed you are a woman. Or have a female supervisor do it.) and convince yourself that they are not just sluffing off the clock to change into street clothes or to tidy up prior to clocking out. If that is the case, you should write them up. We give write-ups for being away from ones workstation and for departing the production area prior to the end of the shift. We are not potty-patrol, but if your situation is as bad as you imply, that would be my suggestion.
  • You've got a tough one on your hands because no one wants to be the "potty patrol" and have to determine who REALLY has to go and who doesn't. We are also a production facility and let people know they can use the restroom at break, lunch, and "as needed" between times - who knows maybe someone has a medical condition and has to use the facilities more frequently. One thing we are firm on is that people need to be at their work stations ready to start on time. It would not be acceptable to clock in, and then head straight for the restroom. That type of "business" needs to be taken care of before they start the shift. Similarly, we expect people to work until their end time. Usually someone should be able to "hold it" 15 more minutes until the end of the shift. It sounds like you need to sit down with everyone, remind them of the rules, and then start discipining those who continue to abuse the policy.
  • We also allow our employees restroom breaks whenever necessary. We ask employees to not take breaks 30 mins before the end of their shift. They also must be at their work stations at the beginning of their shift. We ask that they at least work 30 min before using the restroom. We have very few problems with potty abuse x:D.
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