Shifting Job Duties

I have a shift leader who just returned from 12 weeks of leave. Her job, under ordinary circumstances, would be second shift, with rotating weekends. Several months before she went on leave, her manager moved her to days because he needed her help. During her leave, we replaced the manager, and the new one does not need her on days. Are we obligated to return her to first shift, as she is demanding, or can we return her to the conditions her job would have normally included?
Under FMLA "equivalent job" means: similar responsibilities, the same pay, same shift, same work schedule, fringe benefits and other privileges of employment and same opportunity for bonuses, advancement, and at the same or geographically proximate worksite.
Take a look at the regulations at 29CFR825.815:
What does the manager really mean by "doesn't need her on days"? Was the position actually curtailed or was someone else put in the position? If the latter, the employee under 29CFR825.216 is entitled to the same job she had before she went on leave, even "bumping" out the replacement employee.
If you really can't return her to the same or an "equivalent job" in all aspects, including shift, then talk to her about what would be acceptable. May be there can be mutual agreement on what will be satisfactory. Isn't that what you want at this point? Maybe she'll take an agreement that when the day job is available she'll be moved there. Or maybe she'll take another job, that she can do with the same pay and fringe benefits if it's during the day. But it must be her choice.
Good Luck