Can the company designate an unpaid leave as FMLA?

Once again I come here in search of wisdom and knowledge, and quite honestly I have never been disappointed. We have a Manager who has been with us for 9 months. She would like to take an unpaid leave to care for her sick mother, and can produce the required documents verifying that. Our policies allow the CEO to grant such a leave, and I'm sure that he would. My concern, however, is that from what I can see, there is nothing stopping the EE from potentially taking the unpaid leave for 12 weeks, (which would end around her one year anniversary) then turning around and taking ANOTHER 12 weeks, this time designated as FMLA. So my question is: Can we somehow designate her request for unpaid leave as FMLA, even though she is not eligible for FMLA at this time? I'm certain that we can't, however, I thought it might be worth a shot to see if anyone had an idea. You guys are great. Thanks for your help.
You clearly grasp the all the issues here. If you designated her leave as FMLA, you have just created for your company an eligibility period that is more generous than FMLA. I think you can do that, but I don't think you want to open the door to allowing everyone from this point forward to be elibible for FMLA with your company at 9 months instead of the normal 12 months.
Margaret Morford
If you grant leave now before she is eligible to FMLA, then you are doing it under your own policy and not FMLA requirements. Thus, if at the end of one year, after accounting for the 1,250 hours of work, if she qualifies for FMLA, and needs it at that point, then you would have to authorize it (or delay it up to 30 days)and then start counting THAT toward the 12 weeks.