FMLA leave and pregnancy related bed rest

If an employee is required to go on bed rest prior to child birth does this time get charged against the 12 week FMLA leave?

Please advise.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Yes. I saw either a post or an article yesterday that suggested the employer put the pregnant person on FMLA as soon as the pregnancy is announced by her to the company. That way, absences for any associated reason are counted as FMLA.
  • When you receive notice that your employee is pregnant, Don is correct in that you should provide appropriate notice and have documentation for absences related to the pre-natal events. If the individual's circumstances change, as you describe, be sure to cover your company and issue notice of FMLA coverage as a "block" FMLA! We don't require completion of a new WH-380, just a letter from the physician indicating the circumstances of the pregnancy now dictates total time off work. We usually send a letter and a new WH-381/Publication 1420 making sure the employee understands return-to-work, benefit coverage, etc.
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