FMLA request paperwork

Our company policy requires that employees make written request for leave, 30 days in advance when possible. However, we don't have a form on which to do this. So unless an employee scribbles it down on a piece of paper, or types a letter (not), the notice is usually verbal, even second-hand through a supervisor. SO, I'm looking for a sample FMLA leave request form someone out there may be willing to share with me, just so I can have a guideline for creating one of our own. I've read some of the other comments on this regarding legal issues about what you can ask for on this type of form. What I'm simply looking for is a format on which an employee can say I need to take leave for:, check the appropriate box or something, say when it needs to start and sign and date. Any suggestions? Thanks!
I also developed a personal leave policy (when FMLA doesn't apply)and one page Leave Form for one of my clients that covers personal leaves of absence. I'll e-mail it to you if you will e-mail which one you want.
Margaret Morford
I'd be glad to send it to you. Will you e-mail me? My e-mail address is below. I'll e-mail you the file so that all you'll have to do is fill in your company name and you'll be ready to go. You won't have to retype the form.
Margaret Morford
I think that this website has a link to the forms from the members center.
You'll probably be prompted for your members password if you click on the link (which is a separate login from Employers Forum). If you are a Law Center member and don't remember your members-only username and password, you can have it e-mailed to you by going to [url][/url] or call us at 800/274-6774.
More info on Law Center membership in your state at [url][/url]
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor