Yet another FMLA question!

I'm a little confused. When someone goes on FML can we start the 'clock' running at the time of the request? or do we have to wait for the doctor's Certification to come? And, if the doctor doesn't send the Certification by the 15th day, are we mandated to deny the FMLA leave?
Some one requests FMLA leave. If it is expected, they should give you 30 days' notice of the need, and be able to get the form back before they go on leave.
If it is not expected, they can go on leave before the form is returned and you can conditionally designate the leave as FMLA leave and start the clock running (the regs specifically allow this). If the person never gets the form back, they are absent without leave and should be treated as such under your attendance policies.
Good Luck!
James Sokolowski
Senior Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers