Employee "State of the Company" Meetings

Our CEO would like to implement monthly "State of the Company" meetings during the present economy, but doesn't necessarily want to completely disrupt production. Are any of your companies doing anything similar and, if so, what is working for you to make sure you get sufficient representation of departments to ensure an open line of communication with employees?
Thanks for your input!
Thanks for your input!
The grumblings and no shows came from the exempt employees who were not receiving compensation for this time. We finally gave it up and the CEO now sends out an e-mail with financial information, progress on our new branches etc. As a bank our financial information is available from our Call Report so we don't have to worry about confidential information being forwarded via e-mail.
On the other hand, if you require everyone to be there, be prepared for about 25-40 percent of the people to be resistant.
I'd go with a quarterly meeting. Have food. Keep it as brief as possible. If its necessary to communicate monthly try e-mail or a "Letter from the CEO".
Our people have been very vocal about these meetings with compliments and suggestions. We considered stopping them, but got too much resistance.
It seems to work for us.