Cover letter for laid off ee

Hi everyone, I have a question and just want your thoughts on March one of my friends was laid off from his job of 18 yrs. He went to work right away, part-time in a completely different field because he didn't want to sit around. Well, he's been working more than full-time hours (filling in for others) and hasn't been pursuing his career search as diligently as he could have been. His severance is about to end and he's worried about securing a better job. Some of his friends are advising him that he doesn't need to explain the gap in his resume via the cover letter and others think he needs to explain the gap in the cover letter. I can see both sides....what do you guys think? Thanks for your advice!
From my perspective as an interviewing employer, I think I'd be more turned off by someone using depletion of severance funds as a motivator to get back in the field. One of my first questions would be why not earlier. I fully respect that there may have been no other alternatives, but I'd be looking for motivation.
best wishes.