Donated leave

Our company is contemplating a donated leave policy for employees who may have exhausted their sick / vacation leave due to various serious reasons such as fighting a life-threatening illness, a debilitating illness, catastrophe, etc.
Our employees have a certain amount of sick leave available to them based on years of service but it is not a monthly accrued sick leave policy as some companies have. Any sick leave used by the employee will come off a sick leave allotment provided to them by the Company. After a designated amount of time without using any sick leave the employee will be back to the full allotment of sick leave. Because of our sick leave policy set up the way it is in that the employee does not "accrue" so much per month we are not considering this as time an employee can donate. If we implemented a leave donation program it would be only the vacation or personal time that an employee could donate. We do not allow carryover of vacation from year to year either so there is not an option for an employee to bank vacation hours.
We are looking into the possibility of donated leave at the request of some employees. It came about as we had an employee and family who were in a terrible accident - three of the family members were killed. The employee and one family member survived but our employee needed a lot of time off due to several surgeries and recuperation time. Our Company does offer a long term disability plan but the waiting period is 26 weeks and in many cases an employee does not have that much paid sick and/or vacation time coming to them.
I can think of some positives for this type of program but on the other hand I can certainly see negatives for doing this. If any of you have experience with this type of policy and are willing to share your thoughts (for or against) I would very much appreciate hearing from you. Thank you!
Our employees have a certain amount of sick leave available to them based on years of service but it is not a monthly accrued sick leave policy as some companies have. Any sick leave used by the employee will come off a sick leave allotment provided to them by the Company. After a designated amount of time without using any sick leave the employee will be back to the full allotment of sick leave. Because of our sick leave policy set up the way it is in that the employee does not "accrue" so much per month we are not considering this as time an employee can donate. If we implemented a leave donation program it would be only the vacation or personal time that an employee could donate. We do not allow carryover of vacation from year to year either so there is not an option for an employee to bank vacation hours.
We are looking into the possibility of donated leave at the request of some employees. It came about as we had an employee and family who were in a terrible accident - three of the family members were killed. The employee and one family member survived but our employee needed a lot of time off due to several surgeries and recuperation time. Our Company does offer a long term disability plan but the waiting period is 26 weeks and in many cases an employee does not have that much paid sick and/or vacation time coming to them.
I can think of some positives for this type of program but on the other hand I can certainly see negatives for doing this. If any of you have experience with this type of policy and are willing to share your thoughts (for or against) I would very much appreciate hearing from you. Thank you!
At my current employer, the donations are straight hour for hour, no conversions. It runs fairly smoothly. The recipient must have exhausted all of his/her leave before donations can be received. And, it is for more of a catastrophic illness, not an employee who calls in sick a day here or a day there. Any donated hours not used are returned to the donor.
We have several unions and, by collective bargaining agreement, donations can only be made within the bargaining unit. If you have unions, you will definitely want to bring them into the loop before you implement a donted leave program.
I have had to get together with management and fudge documents so they could all still get paid for the days they have missed. I had broached the time bank idea but there were so many questions. Any other pros and cons??
We are a municipality and have a policy and union contracts as well. People can donate sick or vacation time in 4 hours increments. It is hour for hour as David noted, to do it otherwise is a night mare but that also causes some folks not to donate.
My biggest complaint is it can be some what of a popularity or who knows who contest. We have had equally deserving employees but b/c one is well known from a large dept he got a TON of hours while another from a small dept. got almost nothing. That is why I like a pool concept, at least in larger companies.
Smacking head and saying "stupid, stupid, stupid".
Here is a link explaining what you must do to avoid tax consequences:
Good luck!
It is a very nice thing & our employees are very grateful as it eases their financial burden at a time they need it most, so it is worth the extra effort for me.