HR Executive Special Report on USERRA

Employment Law Letter subscribers,
Your newest HR Executive Special Report -- "You & USERRA: An Employer's Guide to Military Leave" by attorney Julie Athey -- is available for downloading:


If you can't recall your ID and password, call Customer Service at (800) 274-6774. If you have an idea for a future Special Report topic, please send a note to [email][/email]. Thanks -- Tony


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Going to look at this ASAP and see if it covers my favorite ee who has abused the heck out of USERRA. . one can only hope. . :) Thanks. We have so many ee's covered that I am sure this will become the book with all THE answers!!
  • Sonny, I hope the book is helpful. If it doesn't have all the answers you're looking for, please let me know. USERRA is an area that we expect to continue to change and develop as more employees return home from military service. With some of their job slots disappearing in the down economy, it could become an even bigger challenge for some companies.

    I'm curious, if you're able to elaborate . . . what kind of abuse have you encountered? Is anyone else out there dealing with USERRA abuse, too? tk
  • See USERRA RTW thread I started in Benefits section. I think it has been since that ended that he has presented orders for THREE years. .
  • Interesting. While I very much appreciate the sacrifices that many employees are making in military service to our country, especially those who wind up in Iraq and Afghanistan, USERRA creates challenges for employers. I hope you'll remember to update the RTW thread in a few years and let us know how this one works out. tk
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