We have an employee that smells of BO all the time. People around the office have started to complain and it is causing a problem, because people hate to see this employee come into their office. I know we have to address the problem, but we want to do it in a way that will protect the company and also keep from hurting the employees feelings. Have any of you had to address a similar situation and if you have how did you handle it? Thanks Everyone.
You do have to talk to the employee directly. No "hints"; no deodorant on the desk or air fresheners around him. The employee will probably be hurt, but it's something that must be done. I'll post when I find the discussions.
In most instances the letter works but if not, the second step is to meet with the EE.
best wishes.
I take it for granted that people normally shower every day. But that is not the case. I was counseling an employee yesterday and at the end of the conversation I asked him if he had showered that morning and he replied "No." I told him he needed to shower each day because his body odor was too strong.
There is an excellent video called "The Practical Coach" and it actually deals with this topic as an example of how to talk with employees about difficult subjects.
One tip is to use words like "sometimes" your body odor is "too noticeable". Everyone has some body odor. The problem is when it becomes too noticeable. Also, no one (hopefully) stinks ALL the time so its helpful to use the word "sometimes". Be gentle but firm and direct. Of course, this should be a private conversation.
My most recent dealing with the hygiene question was a supervisor whose problem was that one of her employees kept re-wearing the same clothes without washing them, so it was the clothes that were stinky, not necessarily the employee. Apparently she didn't have laundry facilities where she lived and didn't want to have to go to the laundromat very often, but when the supervisor addressed the issue the employee finally understood that wearing dirty clothes was also a form of poor personal hygiene and cleaned up her act (pun intended).
Good luck.,