When should we hire an IT?
Is there a rule of thumb for when it is cost effective to hire on our won IT person. We are a manufacturer (employ 80) and have 45 workstations. We have an outside source currently for trouble shooting, as well as 2 internal persons that simply do not want to take on the job any longer and have primary positions not involving IT. Will we have enough work to keep him busy? Or will he just keep himself busy enough with IT which leads to high overhead.
We brought in an IT person after our system had major issues due to viruses in our network. After those issues were resolved, the IT person stayed on to handle repairs and maintenance to our system. As you can see the department has expanded to include not only our network but our security systems, telecommunications, video conferencing and even management of our heating and cooling systems. They have incorporated our copiers/fax machines to be systems printers and we now utilize the copier scanners with the appropriate software to scan all of our documents. The department manages our data needs and trade shows and offsite events. They set up for training and video conferences. They write custom programs to assist our staff and members.
If our 40 employees do not have computer access when and where we need it, I have 40 employees not working. I can't imagine going back to on call help or muddling through with telephone support when our systems are down. I am guessing that a good IT person will not only address your immediate computer needs but also automate other areas of your business that you had not previously considered.