For those of you who have progressive discipline policies or guidelines, what is the greatest length of time you would allow between identical infractions when moving to the next discipline level?
Our handbook specifies 12 months, i.e., discipline past 12 months is not considered in progressive discipline cases. Our attendance policy is different in that the first occurrances fall off at the 12 month mark so the same discipline step may be issued multiple times as marks fall off and new absences occur. Clear as mud?
Ours we have 3 verbal step warnings, then written 1, 2 , 3 with the 7th. step being termination.
If there have been no repeated occurrences for 6 consectutive months, we wipe the slate clean and start over. Luckily this is a small company and other then tardiness, we don't have much discipline.
We use 12 months since the date of the last event. We do not remove ithe 12 month + old form from the personnel file after 12 months but we consider it inactive.
Our collective bargaining agreements specify two years. However, even beyond the two years, we have latitude to use the prior discipline as evidence that the employee had been previously warned.
It really depends on the nature of the infraction or omission. There are some things, such as safety violations, that could be serious enough for us to move to a more severe discipline even beyond the two years.
If there have been no repeated occurrences for 6 consectutive months, we wipe the slate clean and start over. Luckily this is a small company and other then tardiness, we don't have much discipline.
It really depends on the nature of the infraction or omission. There are some things, such as safety violations, that could be serious enough for us to move to a more severe discipline even beyond the two years.