move to four day work week

We have opted to move to a 4 day work week 10hours per dayMonday through Thursday All employees are receptive and love the idea.

We currently have 6 paid annual Holidays. As a small company we can not afford to have employees take Holiday days off that fall within our 4 days of operation. Any suggestions as how to handle if a Holiday falls on a Sunday, which would have ment taking Monday off?


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-27-08 AT 03:11PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Are you saying you cannot afford to close on a Monday due to a holiday? If so, what did you do before you went to a 4 day workweek? Why is it a problem now?


    Are you saying you cannot afford to pay 10 hours of holiday pay instead of 8? If so, only pay 8 and the other 2 hours are PTO. I have seen this in several situations where employees go to a 4 day workweek. They are told up front that they get the same time for holidays as before, 8 hours.

  • I'm with Nae, I don't quite understand the question. What will you do if the holiday falls on a Tuesday, for example? Make them work and take another day off?
  • We also work a 10 hour, 4 day work week. If a holiday falls on a Monday, and several do, we close and pay 10 hours holiday pay.

    However, there are companies that will revert toa 5 day, 8 hour day on the week of the holiday. This way they get their 32 hours in and pay 8 hours for the holiday.

    I f you want to get 40 hours of work in, then maybe consider working Tuesday to Friday instead.

    Or, maybe I did not understand your question.
  • did not mean to leave so much up in the air with this question.
    Thank you to all who replied, you have been a help
  • We have a few ee's that work 4 -10 hr days. Our policy is to pay holiday pay based on the number of hours the ee was scheduled to work that day. If their scheduled work day falls on a holiday, they receive 10 hrs holiday pay, if the holiday falls on a day they are not scheduled to work, they are not paid holiday pay as their pay for the week was not reduced due to the holiday closure.
    Good luck.
  • This may be a unique thought (because we don't do it and we have a 4 day week): instead of working Monday thru Thursday, schedule Tuesday thru Friday! That eliminates all the Monday holidays. A few will still catch you but it takes care of Monday.

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