Major RIF

A few months ago I was inquiring about a massive reduction in force which I'd heard was going to be implemented by a large company nationwide. In our community, this large company informed several of its employees that they were all being laid off effective in March as their positions were being eliminated. The employees could, however, apply for the "new" positions that were being created. It's amazing how similar the "new" positions are to the "old" positions. What I think will be even more amazing will be to see how many of the "seasoned (more expensive), over 40, building pension fund employees are not offered these "new" jobs. Not only do the employees not know if they will have their jobs (as the company is actively interviewing outside candidates to replace these employees) the employees have also been informed that they will have to inform their customers that they will no longer be calling on them face to face, but that the customer has to call someone on the phone to order product...because the company is all about "excellent customer service". I am truly surprised that a company of this stature has done such a sloppy and unprofessional job of "restructuring". It's these tactics that make me question the ethics of our corporate culture.
It is quite probable that one or more of the laid off employees will file suit, especially if the positions really are similar and their replacements are younger and/or not yet qualified for the pension plan. I would not want to be working there in HR if that is coming down the road. On the other hand, it is good to know for sure that the people you work for are without integrity. It makes it easier to let go and start looking elsewhere for good employment.
Good luck!
best wishes