Bereavement Leave/FMLA

I have an employee who is out on FMLA for the birth of her child. She has used all her PTO/EIB and is now on non-paid. Her grandmother passed away last week (while she was on non-paid leave). She has called in asking whether she can be paid Bereavement Leave. She did not have to travel for the funeral, it was here in town. Our Bereavement Leave provides up to 32 hours paid hours of scheduled time for the loss of an immediate family member. Since she was already on leave, would your company go ahead and pay out some or all of the 32 hours ?? -- Thanks for any thoughts -- Sanua


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We would not pay the bereavement leave. The employee was already off on approved leave, albeit unpaid leave. Had she been off on vacation instead of FMLA, would you be considering paying her? In my opinion, that would be double dipping.
  • We also would not pay and for the same reasons as Joannie. Our policies specifically address bereavement leave while on vacation. If you lose someone while on vacation you do not get extra days. You are already on vacation and must decide for yourself if you want to use it going to someone's funeral or doing whatever you had planned. Other leaves would be treated the same way.

    Good luck!

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