Other Employment

Our policy states (in the employee handbook)that at no time will an employee be permitted to perform work for an employer that is in the same business or activity as us or in competition with our organization. If we deny an employee of other employment would the employee win their argument (in court), saying that we are not allowing them other sources of income?
If you are talking permanently, you are most likely to lose in court. Previous court cases have found some non-compete agreements to be too unreasonable. The time frame and area must be limited. Further, non-competes must generally be a completely different agreement and not just a statement in your employee manual.
Good luck!
There are some specifics you and your organization should consider that are not mentioned in your post:
Do you have a clearly defined business?, so you can clearly define the parameters of the noncompete.
Do you have a clearly defined geographic area for your customer base? so you can clearly define the parameters of the noncompete.
Are you in a specialized industry or provide a specialized product or service? as opposed to something general?, so you can provide clear definition to your employees.
Do you have a clearly defined target market? so you can clearly define the parameters to your employees.
The more specific you can be, the more likely your policy will be enforceable.
In an oversimplification of examples, a noncompete requirement that prevents your employees from producing a specific widget that is only available by your firm and 3 others in the state, all of which are located in the same city, would likely be enforceable if the total market still leaves more than 50% of job prospects available to your employees. However, if your organization is one of only three employers in your town, all of whom create the same product, and your town happens to occupy an entire county or major population segment of your state; plus the product is a prevailing production in neighboring states, your noncompete would essentially prevent your employee's from earning any type of living elsewhere if you happened to cut their hours and they sought extra income elsewhere. Courts might view your noncompete as unreasonable and rule that it is not enforceable.
best wishes