Is this standard?

Do any of you have similar verbiage in your personnel policy? This was in the "boilerplate" that we're customizing.

12.1. Definition of Dispute
Subject to the exclusions listed below, a dispute is any disagreement between the employer and an employee pertaining to the application of the employer’s personnel policies, or an allegation by an employee that the employer has failed to provide a condition of employment established by the employer’s compensation plan. The term “dispute,” as used herein, shall exclude the following:
1. Disciplinary action.
2. Complaints for which the employer provides an alternate dispute resolution process.
3. Any impasse or dispute in collective bargaining negotiations.
4. Any matter within the scope of representation for employees in a recognized bargaining unit.
5. Any matter which may be or has been grieved under an applicable collective bargaining agreement.
6. Termination of an introductory employee.
7. Termination of an at-will employee.
12.2. No Retaliation
The employer shall not restrain, coerce, retaliate, interfere with, or discriminate against any employee based on the employee’s use of the dispute resolution process.


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