Time Clock

Our firm uses a time clock through our computers. This has been in place for several years now. I have some staff who chronically "forget" to punch in after lunch or break and amazingly, they always took only an hour lunch or a ten minute break....
I would like to issue a policy indicating that if they fail to punch in correctly and punch in later, that later punch will have to stand. I cannot find anything that says this is not permissible. Does anyone else use a similar system? What do manufacturing plants do with time cards when this happens?
Your help is greatly appreciated, as always!
I would like to issue a policy indicating that if they fail to punch in correctly and punch in later, that later punch will have to stand. I cannot find anything that says this is not permissible. Does anyone else use a similar system? What do manufacturing plants do with time cards when this happens?
Your help is greatly appreciated, as always!
If you're having a problem with people forgetting to punch in, then address that through disciplinary action, and advise that continuous failure to abide by the time clock procedures could lead to further disciplinary action, up to and including termination. You'd be surprised how much your employees' memories improve when they realize their job is at stake.
Let us know what your company decides.
best wishes,
As the others have mentioned, you must pay for time worked, even if the ee fails to clock in. Find some way to address the problem through your discipline program.
Let us know what you decide.
best wishes.
(e) Employees who clock in late or fail to clock in 3 times within a 3-month period,
will receive a verbal warning. Additional late clock-ins or failures to clock in
within that same 12-month period will result in a written reprimand and possible disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. An employee with more than six late clock-ins in any 12- month period will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
(f) Employees who clock out early or fail to clock out 3 times within a 3-month
period, will receive a verbal warning. Additional early clock-outs or failures to
clock out within that same 12-month period will result in a written reprimand and possible disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. An employee with more than 6 early clock-outs in any 12-month period will be subject to disciplinary
action up to and including dismissal.
Anne in Ohio