
I had an Executive come to me stating that one of her employees is constantly cursed at using the "f" word by a manager, stating that she cannot do this, cannot do that and under EEOC guidelines, it looks like this is a case of harassment.
I am wondering if any of you have had this happen in your workplace and how you handled it.
I have documented everything and will have a meeting with this employee and others that have heard her use this language on a regular basis and they find this offensive.
Any thoughts?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Forget the EEOC and what "harassment" is, you have a serious employment problem here. A manager is being rude and abusive to your employees.

    If allowed to continue, this could lead to some of your employees leaving you to find less hostile employment environments. Worse, your own organization could become tilted towards this direction and the level of verbal bullying could spread.

    Sit this manager down and tell him or her very clearly that their continued employment will depend on them learning how to communicate respectfully and constructively with your employees.

    Make it very clear to the rest of your managers and employees that such behavior will not be tolerated.
  • Agree with Paul. Also, how did you Executive get to be an executive if they don't know how to even address this blatant behavior? And how long has it already been tolerated? Sounds like you have some people playing ostrich (head in the sand). Break out the whip and get those bad eggs under control!

  • Bootsie, did I read that correctly, an Executive came to you because one of her employees is constantly cursed at by another manager? Who is the meeting with, the cursed at employee or the manager that is doing the cursing?

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