P File information
We have an ex-ee that wants the original check she submitted for direct deposit purposes. She is concerned about the check information and identity theft. I have never had this pop up before and was wondering what anyone's thoughts were on this. I don't care if I just keep a copy of the original check and send her's back. Does anyone think that that could be a problem?
Once you have her banks FRDABA No. and her Account No. a trouble maker doesn't need an actual check. It is not uncommon for us to return the check (or what ever) to the ee once we get the required information.
You could reassure her that her personnel info is stored in a locked cabinet and shredded after retention requirements expire.
Or just send her the voided check (after you make a copy for your file) and move on with your life. I don't see a problem with it, except she'll tell 10 friends and they'll tell 10 friends and so on, and you'll be mailing checks left and right. x:-)
Edit: of course have her submit her request in writing, with her signature, so you can make sure it's actually HER requesting the check.