Looks like we're going to cut around 30 positions next week. the good news is that half are already vacant, but that still leaves 15 or so people. Several are from one department and I'm asking for advice on how to best handle this. I know once we talk to the first one, it will be all over the building. I don't want 6 employees from the same dept all walking back to their desks to get their stuff but I want to allow them some dignity as well.
Would it be appropriate to ask them to go ahead and leave? That HR will gather their stuff and they can meet with HR the next day to complete any final insurance ppwk and get their belongings? Or, we typically have a smaller staff in the mornings, so we could make arrangements for them to get their stuff the next morning? That dept is staffed 24/7, so after hrs is not an option.
I've been thru this before, but not with so many from one area. My experience has been with one or two from different departments.
Would it be appropriate to ask them to go ahead and leave? That HR will gather their stuff and they can meet with HR the next day to complete any final insurance ppwk and get their belongings? Or, we typically have a smaller staff in the mornings, so we could make arrangements for them to get their stuff the next morning? That dept is staffed 24/7, so after hrs is not an option.
I've been thru this before, but not with so many from one area. My experience has been with one or two from different departments.
I would also make sure I was there while they are gathering their things to help move the process along and to help avoid misinformation.
Anyway you slice it, you have a bad week ahead. I really feel for you and those being laid off.
Good luck!
I agree that you should try and do it all at once, late in the day. Once we had a meeting with everyone to make the announcement, several managers would meet with the soon to be laide off employees one on one immediately after the announcement. I have usually prepared a packet ahead of time with a termination letter with all the information in it regarding the termination of their position, insurance, 401(k), COBRA information, return of company property, how to file for unemployment, outsource information (if you are using one) and any other helpful information to help smooth the transition. Most will be angry and upset and will not want to talk, so the packet gives them all the information they will need once they get home.
I did my RIF first thing in the morning. I also had all the packets prepared. I gave them all the information at once also I gave them the unemployment and EAP information. We paid them for the rest of the day and we extended their insurance for 30 days past the end of the month as part of their severence package.
The other employees were very good about it, they just did their job and did not stare or talk while the employees were gathering their items. Yes, we did have a couple that were upset, and one employee we escorted out the door and boxed her items up and took them out to her car. We prefer them to take their personal items so they cannot say we kept something that belonged to them.
Good Luck! This is the most stressful part of HR.
If it's not an entire department, you'll want to be prepared for explaining why they were selected and not someone else. Be available for questions they might have.
Do they need to leave the same day? When we did something like this, we were able to give them 30 days notice minimum which made it an easier transition. We brought in someone from unemployment and paid for training on computer classes as well as interviewing. We had a "stay bonus" for those that hung around longer and did offer severance packages with er paid insurance for part of it.