Now what

My Buyer is out on FMLA. The Purchasing Manager and the CFO discussed a temporary replacement. Yesterday I was told the Purchasing Manager's husband would be in today as the temp Buyer. Ok so far.
We completed the necessary forms for payroll. I gave the gentleman a slip to go to our clinic for a drug screen. All part of our hiring procedure.
The CFO comes to me with the slip and tells me I made a mistake. The temp buyer will not be on the payroll. He is an independent contractor and will be paid by company check. When I tell him that he does not fall under the definition of independent contractor, the CFO says he does. But now will be paid from petty cash with a 1099 at the end of the year.
What say all you wise ones??
We completed the necessary forms for payroll. I gave the gentleman a slip to go to our clinic for a drug screen. All part of our hiring procedure.
The CFO comes to me with the slip and tells me I made a mistake. The temp buyer will not be on the payroll. He is an independent contractor and will be paid by company check. When I tell him that he does not fall under the definition of independent contractor, the CFO says he does. But now will be paid from petty cash with a 1099 at the end of the year.
What say all you wise ones??
The CFO is my boss.
Looks like it's CYA time. Document everything provided to CFO, then just grin and bear it.
I have not heard that there is a dollar threshold. My concern is wage and hour audit. The Purchasing Manager is not well liked. I can just see an irate employee making a telephone call.
It sounds like your CFO is trying to avoid tax issues on several levels. If the temp earns less than $600 and you don't report his wages, then he also may feel free not to report them (though he is required to by law). In the case of an IC, he would have to pay both the employer and employee portion of FICA taxes. You can't control what he does, but if it were me I would make a point to mention it to the temp. He may think he doesn't have to pay, or not be happy if he finds that the employer expects him to pay both parts of FICA taxes.
Other than making sure both the CFO and the temp are aware of the law, and documenting that you did so, I don't see what else you can do. I would seriously doubt the honesty of this CFO in the future though. If he can be dishonest in so little a thing, how can you trust him with the biggies?
Good luck!
I am sure the temp doesn't expect anything but the cash. I'm not sure if the CFO is dishonest or trying to appease the Purchasing goddess.
Certainly doesn't look like it would pass the IC test - can you call a meeting with your CFO and CEO to express concerns about not having the individual set up as a temp? Would definitely as other posters have pointed out advise on the legality of it.
Better yet, would send info to them in an e-mail expressing concerns so that you're on record for not being in favor of doing this.
Got the picture? I am going to follow the advise given and document. Since I had already completed all the necessary paperwork for payroll, I added a memo to file explaining the decision to pay from petty cash.