Criminal Background Check - Texas

I'm in a heavy manufacturing industry with 90% males. We don't run criminal background checks on applicants and support Project RIO depending on offense.
By signing our application people authorize us to investigate anything relevant to their qualifications.
My questions: are we being discriminatory running it on some people and not all? Are we violating some privacy act?
By signing our application people authorize us to investigate anything relevant to their qualifications.
My questions: are we being discriminatory running it on some people and not all? Are we violating some privacy act?
is why are you running the checks.
If you are running them on specific jobs for specific reasons, then you are probably ok.
We just started running them post offer
on all new hires this year but we have several
different levels that we run dependent on the
Its definitely OK to run different levels of background check depending on the job/level in the company.