Drug Testing
5,885 Posts
I need a little input from the forum. We are a transportation company and follow a strict zero tolerence for drug and alcohol use for our drivers. We random every month, any question immediate termination. That is a no brainer. Here is where the situation gets a little muddy.
I have a long term employee in our accounting department that over the years has been suspected and confronted about illegal drug use. We use to random the office staff but for the last several years have not.
I cannot target her directly but want her to know that we can random test all employees. My CEO wants her scared but is not ready to fire her. Single parent etc...
I am looking for brochure or information that I can send out to office staff with strong statements to cover the situation. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!!
I have a long term employee in our accounting department that over the years has been suspected and confronted about illegal drug use. We use to random the office staff but for the last several years have not.
I cannot target her directly but want her to know that we can random test all employees. My CEO wants her scared but is not ready to fire her. Single parent etc...
I am looking for brochure or information that I can send out to office staff with strong statements to cover the situation. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!!
However, you certainly can do a reasonable suspicion drug test. You must have pretty reasonable suspicion if you have already confronted her about this. You can hold that over her head.
That said, we have lost some "very good employees" over the years through our drug testing program, but looking back, we don't miss one of them. Now if you can just convince your CEO that to prolong her drug use by not testing, you are just enabling her. Other than that I would try my darndest to convince her to seek treatment. Just remember that if you do that and she does seek treatment, the ADA is now in play.
Good luck!
Try to explain to your CEO the importance of assuming a minimal cost in comparison to laying yourselves open for a much bigger cost. Good luck.