Hiring College Grads

Would you hire an accounting graduate from an on-line accredited school (Walden University) vs. hiring a graduate from a well-know university, for example UNC or NC State? Would it make a difference in your decision?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • That's a loaded question!!! If every other aspect was equal between them and this was the deciding factor, NO it would not make a difference to me. What would make a difference is what their transcripts said. But to tell you the truth, it would be rare to have to make a hiring decision based on the college they get their degree from.
  • The piece of paper (diploma) just opens the door. Is an A from an online school equal to a C from a "normal" school? These kinds of comparisons are difficult to make.

    It comes down to what you learned and how you apply that knowledge. In the end, isn't it that a person has demonstrated they know how to learn and apply?

    As to the depth of their knowledge, make all the candidates take a written accounting test. I know some of the accounting employment agencies will test basic and not so basic accounting knowledge.

    Finally, to really answer your question, I don't count an on-line degree as having as much substance as the other. I admit to a bias.
  • To me the key is in your statement, "from an on-line accredited school" If they are accredited, they must satisfy the same requirements as the schools made out of brick and mud with the ivy covered walls. Way back in my college days I recall some instructors were great and some were, well worthless. I am sure it is the same at the on-line schools. I agree with the others, the applicant had the stick-to-it enough to fihish their degree regardless if it was setting at home in their pj's or in the classroom with other students.
  • All other things being equal where the Degree was issued isn't as important as how the applicant applied his/herself and what they were able to retain from the classes they took.
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